Mokelumne Urban Search & Rescue Team
The Mokelumne Urban Search and Rescue Team, our mission is to provide rapid, effective, and life-saving solutions in the most challenging and dynamic situations. With years of experience and unwavering dedication, our team stands ready and prepared to handle specialized rescues. Established in 1993 our Urban Search and Rescue team specializes in multiple areas of expertise. Our training and equipment to handle these types of incidents are funded by our annual fundraiser steak and Shrimp dinner we put on every year. A big thanks to all our supporters every year we have continued to grow and provide top-notch training and equipment for the people we serve.
Water Rescue
Our members are skilled in swift water rescue techniques, and equipped to navigate treacherous currents and unpredictable conditions. From flooded areas to raging rivers, we excel in retrieving and assisting individuals in distress.

Confined Space Rescue
Our confined space rescue team specializes in accessing and extracting individuals trapped within confined environments, utilizing cutting-edge equipment and meticulous protocols to ensure safe and successful outcomes.

Rope Rescue
High above the ground or deep below, our rope specialists are equipped with advanced techniques and gear to perform rescues.